Lodge Ayr St Paul 204 is based in Fullarton Street in Ayr.
We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month September to May inclusive. Please see News and Events for details.
Further information about the Lodge and its activities can found using the navigation above.
If you have any questions or require further information please use the contact form.
If you are interested in joining the Lodge please register your interest here.
I would like to thank the Brethren of Ayr St. Paul 204 for bestowing the great and glorious privilege, of which I am deeply honoured to have been re-installed in this esteemed & revered lodge as the Right Worshipful Master for the term ahead.
May I take this opportunity to extend an invitation to all lodge members and Brethren within the craft, to attend our regular meetings and events throughout the year, where I can assure you that you will be most warmly received.
The same warm welcome awaits any Brethren where other commitments may have kept them away from the lodge. Any similarly minded gentlemen who wish to know more about Scottish Freemasonry and membership at Lodge Ayr St. Paul 204 are encouraged to make contact and enquire further.
204 News and Events
Find out what's been happening
and what's coming up in the lodge...
Meetings, degrees, news and more.
To become one, ask one
Interested in becoming a Freemason?
Don't know how to go about it?
Don't worry, we'll talk you through it!
204 Photo Gallery
We have an extensive photo gallery
and we update it regularly.
Have a look and see your brothers.
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